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Approved Language Tests

Approved Language Tests

As a person looking to migrate to Canada, you must appear for and successfully clear an Approved Language Test and prove your proficiency in either English or French which happen to be two of the most widely spoken languages in Canada. The obvious reason for this is to ensure that you have the necessary language skills to communicate with others and negate any sort of barrier in language. You must submit the results of a language exam from a recognized organization to apply for immigration to Canada. The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program are the two recognized test providers for English (CELPIP). You must take the Exam d'évaluation de Français if you wish to take your language test in French (TEF). There is no preferred test for IRCC. You can select the exam that is more convenient for you to take because the outcomes of all three tests are equally respected. Any language exam you take must have results from within the last two years (24 months) for it to be considered genuine. A score is given for each of the four language skills—listening, reading, writing, and speaking—in the IELTS, CELPIP, and TEF tests.
IELTS is a test of English language competency that is offered globally. Starleaf generally advises our clients to take the IELTS to complete their immigration file, and we also give them IELTS training because there are so many testing locations worldwide. IELTS is divided into two categories: Academic and General Training. You should take the IELTS - General Training to immigrate to Canada. In addition to an overall band score that averages your performance across all language abilities, IELTS results give you a score for each language ability. Your total band score has no bearing on your ability to enter Canada.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) created CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program). The CELPIP was created for Canadian English, which incorporates components of British and American English as well as Canadian accents, as opposed to the IELTS, which was created for worldwide English competence. The General Test and the General LS Test are the two different CELPIP tests kinds. You must take the CELPIP-General Test for immigration. With test sites now located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Republic of Korea, Singapore, the Philippines, India, China, and the United States, the CELPIP is now available outside of Canada. Originally, it could only be taken from within Canada.
You must take the TEF (Test d'Evaluation de Français) if you are a native French speaker or would prefer to submit results of a language test proving your proficiency in the language. The TEF and the TEFAQ are the two forms of TEF that are available. Normally, at Starleaf, we advise taking the TEF. While the TEF is approved by both federal and Quebec immigration, the TEFAQ is only acceptable for Quebec immigration.
What score do I require to qualify?
There are minimal language requirements in place for the majority of Canadian economic immigration programs, although they are not all the same. Your required score will vary according to the program you're applying to. Many programs use point systems in addition to basic criteria. Along with language competency, other factors such as age, job history, and education may also be given points. The language test score you need to pass might range from the minimal requirement depending on your profile. Give it your best shot, is what we at Starleaf would say. You can retake the exam if you're not satisfied with your scores to get better ones. It's crucial to keep in mind that they are tests. Even if you are very confident in your abilities to speak English or French, we would recommend you still study and take practice exams.
Language Benchmark for Canada
Your scores will be translated into Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) or Niveaux de competency linguistique canadiens (NCLC) levels regardless of the exam you take. The CLB scale ranges from 4 (poor) to 10. (excellent). Programs for immigration to Canada that mention a language requirement often relate to a CLB level.
Canadian Experience Class
Candidates who have worked in Canada and desire to make the move to permanent residency have had a significant avenue available to them since 2008 - the Canadian Experience Class (CEC). For temporary foreign employees and foreign graduates who go on to earn Canadian job experience, the CEC is a well- known alternative. One of the three programs overseen by Canada's Express Entry system is the CEC. You can learn all there is to know about the CEC on our thorough direct consultation with the experts at Starleaf who have helped many embark on the journey that you are now looking at setting on. The CEC is a component of a coordinated initiative by the federal and provincial governments of Canada to entice more foreign students and temporary employees to establish their lives in Canada. According to IRCC, Statistics Canada, and academic research, skilled worker applicants who have lived in Canada before have a significant advantage when integrating into the labor market. Being young and middle- aged, having high levels of education, work experience, and education, along with developing social and professional networks in Canada, are all factors that help CEC immigrants succeed in the job market.
Eligibility for Canadian Experience Class
You must fulfill the following prerequisites to be qualified for the CEC:
  • Possess within 36 months of the application date, at least one year of skilled, professional, or technical job experience in Canada;
  • To qualify for NOC TEER category 2 or 3 positions, you must achieve or surpass a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of 5 ("beginning intermediate"), or a CLB of 7 ("sufficient intermediate competence").
  • Should plan on moving outside of Quebec province and working there (individuals with work experience in Quebec and who plan to reside in Quebec may apply to the Quebec Experience Class)
Applicants are permitted to stay in Canada during the application process. However, those who have left Canada are also eligible for the Canadian Experience Class if they apply within three years of quitting their work in Canada. The criteria for the Canadian Experience Class are graded on a pass/fail basis. The candidate can join the Express Entry pool if the minimal conditions are satisfied.
The Process of Immigration with CEC
Express Entry is how IRCC manages applications for three programs, including the CEC, that seek qualified workers. You may be a strong candidate for the CEC if you have previously lived in Canada and accumulated relevant job experience here. Additionally, if you have a background in a trade, you can potentially be qualified for the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) and the Federal Skilled Trades Program. Making sure you are eligible for the CEC or one of the other Express Entry programs is the first step. You submit an Express Entry profile on the IRCC website if you meet the requirements. The IRCC conducts Express Entry lotteries roughly every two weeks to offer invitations to permanent residents to applicants with the highest CRS scores. The CRS ratings are based on the human capital qualities of each candidate, including their age, education, language proficiency, job experience, and Canadian experience, among other factors. You must submit a finished application to IRCC by the deadline if you get an invitation to apply (ITA) for permanent residency. Applications should be processed by IRCC in no more than six months. Starleaf is here to guide you through this rigmarole as it may seem daunting and challenging and first. Contact us right away and allow us to counsel you on how to get started!
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