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Other Immigration Programme

Other Immigration Programme

The Start-Up Visa

The start-up visa program may make it possible for you to immigrate to Canada if you are an entrepreneur with a business idea. Canada is on the lookout for talented businesspeople who are eager to launch ventures that will boost its economy and offer job opportunities to its citizens. Entrepreneurs have the opportunity to immigrate to Canada through the start-up visa program to launch a new business. Immigrant business owners must show that their venture is unique, will generate new jobs for Canadians, and is capable of competing on a global level.

Four basic eligibility criteria are required to be fulfilled to apply for a Start-Up Visa:

  • having a qualifying business
  • having a letter of support from a Canadian Dedicated Organisation
  • meet the necessary language requirements
  • proof of funds

Starleaf has a dedicated team of government-authorised practitioners who have helped many entrepreneurs attain their Star-Up Visa to Canada and their expertise is only a phone call away!

Investor Immigration Programs

You may qualify for one of Canada's immigrant investor programs, which offers fast-tracked investor visas in exchange for an applicant's contributions to the growth of the Canadian economy, depending on your qualifications, experience, and personal wealth.

After the termination of the Federal Investor Program, there are still three pathways through which an investor may migrate to Canada.

Federal Venture Capital Program

You could be eligible to apply for the Federal Venture Capital Pilot Program if you are an astute business manager or owner with a personal net worth of more than $10 million. To get an investor visa, qualified candidates must make a non-guaranteed investment of $2 million for up to 15 years (Permanent Residency).

Quebec Investor Program

Investors from outside Quebec who want to establish a base there might do so by requesting a Quebec Investor Visa. The province is looking for candidates with managerial expertise in legitimate agricultural, business, industry, or professional fields with a personal net worth of at least $2 million. The investment requirement for qualified investors is a $1.2 million, five-year, guaranteed commitment.

Provincial Nominee Program for Investors

By applying under their investor stream of the Provincial Nominee Program, several jurisdictions provide the chance to immigrate to Canada with an investment visa. Of its unique economy, possibilities, and market shortages, each province will design its own set of regulations and eligibility standards. You may be nominated through that province's provincial immigration program to start your journey toward a Canadian investment immigration visa if you are interested in investing and residing there.

Self-Employed Immigration

If a self-employed foreign national, a professional athlete, or a member of the arts and culture sector can demonstrate that they have the potential to be gainfully self-employed in Canada and that they meet the eligibility requirements for the Federal Self-Employed Persons Program, they may be eligible for a business immigration visa. Instead of investing their own money into a business or the government or obtaining funding from a private institution as is the case with other business immigration streams, qualified applicants are only required to show that they have experience in their industry and that they are successfully self-employed.

To qualify for the Federal Self-Employed Program, within the five years preceding the submission of their business immigration application, applicants must have at least two years of relevant work experience in their respective industries. Professional athletes and those working in the arts and entertainment sector must either have: two years of self-employment within their sector, two years of world-class involvement within their field, or two years of both or a mix of all of the above .

All applicants for the Federal Self-Employed Program, except Quebec, which has its self-employed immigration program, must intend to reside in any Canadian province or territory. To more accurately determine applicants' eligibility for a Self-Employed Visa, applicants will be graded on a point system in addition to meeting the experience requirements.

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