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Refugee & Asylum

Refugee & Asylum

Under the regulations laid out by the IRPA (Immigration and Refugee Protection Act) of the Canadian Immigration, a Refugee is described as, “Refugees are people who have fled their countries because of a well-founded fear of persecution. They are not able to return home. They have seen or experienced many horrors. A refugee is different from an immigrant. An immigrant is a person who chooses to settle permanently in another country. Refugees are forced to flee.” We provide help to Refugee and H&C applicants in:
  • Refugee and Humanitarian Resettlement Program (Outside Canada)
  • In-Canada Asylum Program (Within Canada)
We sympathetically understand that people who claim Refugee Status who come to Canada have left their homes or have had to live in refugee camps for many years. When they arrive in Canada, they must start their lives over again. It is a big decision to leave your home and belongings to escape for your life with practically nothing. There are many who do not have family or any help, but this is where Team Starleaf comes forward for help.
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